The album tracks are laid. The mixes are in. Now it's time to turn to the look of the album. Or more specifically the CD cover.
There are so many aspects to the cover art - the clothes, the light, the style, the setting, the hair, the make-up. At times it can feel like a vanity cyclone. But it needs consideration right? After all, a listener's first impression of an album can often be the cover.
At times like these I thank the gods above for the internet. It gives me the gift of endless hours of searching through CD covers via Google Images or Flickr or Amazon. From whom can I draw inspiration? What designs turn my head? What designs turn my stomach?
After days of surfing I thought I would share a few covers that have caught my eye.
I love the combination of patterns and textures. And who can resist a St. Bernard?
Classic performance based cover. Timeless.
Every Bjork cover is unique and amazing!
Couldn't keep this one to myself.
Okay. It's your turn. What album cover has become part of the permanent art collection in your mind?